About Us

Welcome to B. P. Baria Science Institute


B. P. Baria Science Institute was established in 1946 by the. It was during this period that Late Shri Sorabji B. Garda B. P. Baria Science Institute was established in June 1946 at a time when there were no other institutions offering higher education.

Late Shri Burjorji Pestonji Baria donated Rs. 2 lakhs to start the the science faculty in 1946, under the banner of S. B. Garda College. Later in the year 1965, the Science College was separated and was named B. P. Baria Science Institute

Late Mr. Barjorji Pestonji Baria

(28 Dec 1878 - 18 Feb 1948)

Late Mr. Sorabji Barjorji Garda

(14 Aug 1871 - 18 Mar 1950)